You will need to sign up to obtain an IPMA certificate. Have a look at all the required phases in the application process.
You are able to schedule your own exam. Go to our Exam calendar to find a suitable exam date. Found the right moment? Go to the portal to plan your exam.
Take a look at the IPMA Certificates overview and find the one that is right for you. Each level of certification has its own page. On these pages, you will find more detailed information about prices, requirements, and phases.
Multiple employees taking an IPMA theory exam at the same time? Take a look at the group application.
We are an independent office which only organizes exams. We do not provide IPMA training. Have a look at the pass rate educators for IPMA PMO, IPMA D, and IPMA C theory (all in Dutch). You can also take a look at the validation (in Dutch) of our former applicants of educators.